Sounds a like my life--lots of mess that drags down my spirit, then a lift by plunging into a new recipe or an old one, comfort in routine and creativity. And the dish sounds amazing too!

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Thanks Ruth. Certainly exploring new ideas in relation to those recipes that have wide margins for meddling is a favoured pastime. So too a dish so oft leaned on, it’s requires no more thought than that which is used to draw breath, allowing the mind to wander entirely from the job in hand. I revel in the natural chaos our family of six and trio of dogs attracts, much as I curse tripping over discarded trainers or treading on a squeaky dog toy at 5am. Do give the dish a try, it brings enough to the table that it can be plonked in front of friends without needing to serve apologies alongside :)

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Thanks, Amelia! I love your point of view and your excellent writing. It sounds like a fascinating and full life you lead. I will definitely be giving this dish a try.

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Thanks Ruth, that’s very kind of you. Please let me know how you get on if you do turn your hand to the recipe & I hope this week starts well for you

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